Kanichiwa! So, you know it's quite a feat if someone of my stature feels like a giant. Everything is so compact here in Tokyo, from our hotel room to the Hagen Daaz containers which look more like condiment holders on a TGIFriday's plate. Jen and I are staying at the Shinagawa Prince Hotel. It's pretty swanky. I'm at their Yahoo! cafe. There are a bunch of stores and even a bowling alley where you can catch the Japanese people in their business suits and sneakers bowling on break from work. The toilet in our bathroom is also an interesting piece of work. It's one of those electronic deals with a shower/bide option and a seat that maintains a level of warmth. Of course, I had to try it. I hope the room next door didn't hear me yelp when a spurt of very tepid water hit me. I don't think many guys get as far on first dates. Anywho...we've eaten a lot of good ramen at ramen bars. Every restaurant in Tokyo either has only bar stools or six tables with sliding doors. Like I said, everything is economy size. Yet, I'm fighting not to break the bank.
Today, our first full day, Jennifer's friend Eri, such a sweetie, took us around to some great economical shopping spots. The Japanese come up with the most interesting things for home and everyday use. I bought a rice ball molding tray. (The next hordeurves I serve will rock.) We also met Eri's husband and I don't think I've ever met such a ball of energy. He literally came bounding out of his office. He tried to use a little bit of English like when he ran up the steps outside of his building, singing the Rocky theme. BTW, Eri and Jen know each other from Spain. So, it was cool that the three of us spoke in Spanish and could talk about how sucky people sitting near us at dinner were for smoking. It was like sharing a table with three chimneys heating during a winter night. Overall, we're really enjoying ourselves. But not sure how tomorrow will fare. We won't have our own personal tour guide any more. It's all part of the adventure I guess! Sayonara and hope everyone is doing well!
boy terry. thanks for telling me about the blog... ahem.... ;) Hope you're having an awsome time, good luck in cambodia! =P
Sorry. I didn't have time to jot down all the e-mails. Finding time for a computer has been hard to come by. But I'm glad you're reading. Thanks! See you soon!
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