I won't miss you. I'm beyond thrilled that the weather here in Phoenix has turned a corner! I never thought temperatures like 100 and 99-degrees would make me so gleeful. There was only one good thing you taught me Phoenix summer; my car really can be an oven.

I read on another blog how to do it: http://bakingbites.com/2007/09/car-baked-chocolate-chip-cookies-step-by-step/
If you can wait two hours or so, it truly works. I simply did housework and then went to check on the cookies after an hour to make sure they were actually expanding. What was nice is the cookies didn't caramelize so you got a nice hue. This was the equivalent of what a "rainy day" activity would be in other states. But that's because those states don't have (say it with me) "evil Phoenix summer."
Well, Phoenix summer, please hurry up and pack the rest of your things as you depart and don't return until June 2012. I want to stop hibernating. I want to run. I want to ride my bike. And as much fun as it was baking cookies this way, I'd rather you leave. No hard feelings.
Your hostage for the last four months,
Did your car smell like awesome cookie goodness, too? That would be another upside.
Yes it did for a few minutes! Luckily the opposite didn't occur and I did not have cookies that tasted like car seat.
You can make fruit leather in your car too - Puree fruit - spread evenly on a baking sheet _ set in car until dried out cut n enjoy!
Amazing! Must try it soon. :)
Cool man
Great! gonna try that one.=D
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